2022 Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan Floods - Washington Post

Pakistan Floods – Washington Post

Twins was created in reaction to the Asian tsunami, with some two hundred schools being twinned between the UK and Sri Lanka. Five years later, the Twins Pakistan project was established, after terrible floods in Pakistan. Terrible as those floods indeed were, they did not compare to what happened in 2022. Approximately a third of the country was under water, infrastructure was destroyed, and both disease and hunger continue to increase the already high death toll. The misery is extreme and ongoing.

Pakistan Floods – Al Jazeera

The communities of UK schools are in exceptional positions to be able to help. They are already plugged into a structure through which they can raise funds, have them safely remitted to Pakistan and then know that every penny will be spent responsibly and cost-effectively to help the communities at their twin schools. Those positions also enable the UK schools to act as conduits for charitable assistance provided by the wider communities around them.